What is your real name and how to pronounce it?

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1. TheDreamer,

I don't know. It would be interesting to know.
Mine is Diana. But not pronounced as in English.

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2. unolover,

my name is amanda

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3. chameleon,

my name is lewie pronouns alien

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4. Reva,

mine is muteb, but it's mut eb as it's writen in arabic

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5. Emerald,

Alien, how is that said Lewie? It looks hard oh my.

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6. augma ,

my name is mohit

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7. Mohammedradwan2003,

my name is mohammed and it is pronounced, mo , ha, mmad, people on a mud of some sort call me mo for short

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8. phoenix009,

I'm Pranav

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9. ibraheemmohsen,

My name is Ibrahim but I don't know the correct spelling of my name in English.
but In Arabic, it is pronounced like this:
iy bra heem

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10. godfather,

My real name is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
As for how to pronounce it, when you find out, let me know.

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11. Aeon ,

My name is Floccinaucinihilipilification.
Do let me know when you find the pronunciation ????!

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12. TheDreamer,

Where is Nabucodomosor? Just asking.

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13. Ninety-Nine ,

My name is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu. I'v never pronounced my name, do let me know if you're able to. thanks.

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14. godfather,

I love how I tried to be creative with my answer and everyone started following along. Lmfao.

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15. MuhammadHajjar,

My name is Antidisestablishmentarianism. Lol seriously though, I think many people know how it's pronounced though I used to spell it the other style a long time ago. By the way Diana, your name is pronounced like in Arabic, as Diana is a popular name here and we use to pronounce it as De yana.

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16. Emerald,

And my name is funny. The way you say it varies from hahaha to jajaja to other noises and sometimes you may have tears or snort or it can be deadly.

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17. dragonoid,

rofl guys. I think that this thread transformed faster than a wormar ever could

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18. carinchen97,


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19. phoenix_rising,

My name is Fernando but everybody calls me Fer xd

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20. Rory101,

my name is wolfy, that's why I am the SightlessWolf, from wolfland! In wolfland, the name is pronounce, awooooooooooooooo, but in english, it's wolfy :)

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21. NorwegianHeart ,

My name is Yana. Yandex for my friends

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22. Chopin,

my name es Jorge. some people sayme Jeorge

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