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3987 topics, 80 pages:  1 13 1415 16 17 80 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message


sonic1 1 Adventure-Time,

I have a question about "Subscribe to the forum" function

Maya 1 Nikola,

Uno tournament, Playroom world cup January edition congratulations to the champion, Guido!

Nikola 27 prabhu,

bug in new duck racing challenges

whozitken 0 whozitken,

new challenges on duck racing

whozitken 1 Nikola,

registration in the game room

Kristen_Star 3 elections ,

Quiz party tournament report

GeorgeWu 5 GeorgeWu,

Suggestion for a new card game: Ambition

Adventure-Time 0 Adventure-Time,

Bug with iOS and sounds

Isaac5457 3 Aminiel,

New Card Game Suggestion: Munchkin

CritterPup 0 CritterPup,

New Statistic for Quiz Party

ableman477 2 YNWA,

request something

Samet-Alim 1 godfather,

being able to vote in my own polls and see options to rate my own topics

lucy_light 2 lucy_light,

Please help

Hussain400 0 Hussain400,

Important: Uno International League is now on!

Stenaldo 37 ibraheemmohsen,

Playroom is slow on a new I7 Laptop

Stenaldo 9 Stenaldo,

Suggestion to add a feature to shut people up while playing

Quintin-D 6 Sylphrena,

A weird bug that happens all the time in the newest ver

VIPPotato 1 Nikola,

Apples to Apples

Spongebob 6 Spongebob,

riff raff able to join my tables

Quintin-D 0 Quintin-D,

Rescheduling my first quiz party tournament.

GeorgeWu 6 GeorgeWu,

bug in sending second message at same topic

elections 2 elections ,

audio streams

codbro 0 codbro,

Suggestion to do more than one survey in the same forum.

Ronald-Weasley 0 Ronald-Weasley,

suggestion about chess

golden_secret 2 lucy_light,

Have you ever managed to get more than 88% in rhytmic duels?

Sylphrena 0 Sylphrena,

New game Proposal: Fruit War

Isaac5457 3 codbro,

bot errors

codbro 0 codbro,

new game

codbro 0 codbro,

a bug regarding disconnections

empty_sky 0 empty_sky,

Suppress global activity notifications

Moriarty 4 Aminiel,

Battle Ship changes

codbro 4 codbro,

Question on Playroom Updates

imprisonedindarkness 0 imprisonedindarkness,

suggestion, table message

Copito_De_Nieve 9 Moriarty,

Slow Mode Uno Tournament-sign up till 13 of January

BadGirl 15 BadGirl ,

99 suggestion

codbro 18 M_A_G_A,

sugestion for the end of rounds

Arthas 0 Arthas ,

new game

codbro 4 Aminiel,

question about PR channels

ibraheemmohsen 3 ibraheemmohsen,

Permanent messages suggestion.

Franco-Escamilla 5 Franco-Escamilla ,

Game suggestion

LadyKai 2 codbro,

Problem doing alt tab in windows 11

gfriha 7 lucy_light,

Mini problem with alexa routines

Anya_Kristen 0 Anya_Kristen,

let the Turkish language come now.

zhugeliang 1 Aminiel,

It's impossible to see time limit rules in 99 / "R" hotkey doesn't work

M_A_G_A 0 M_A_G_A,

Asynchronous tables

Isaac5457 3 Destranis,

Bug in Dominos.

Epic_Krrish 2 Aminiel,

new game

atheanna 4 Caoimhe,

Unable to log into playroom web client on macOS

rockstar2013 2 rockstar2013,

Bug: Audio streems are not working in web clients. (cancelled)

DB8275 3 DB8275,

3987 topics, 80 pages:  1 13 1415 16 17 80 ← Go back to forum list

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