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708 topics, 15 pages:  12 3 4 15 ← Go back to forum list

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Duck racing tournament draw now available, 6 PM CET, February world cup

Nikola 22 Nikola,

streaming google drive links in playroom (accepted)

sky360 10 Fawaz,

Visual options of the windows client

Aminiel 5 Aminiel,

Important update today

Aminiel 137 Nikola,

New favorites feature, favorites on top

Vojvoda 0 Vojvoda,

Blind people play piano and other musical instruments

nguyen_hoang_anh 31 Emrah20,

Congratulations to Fawaz and All Participants of the Uno Tournament. (finished)

Epic_Krrish 37 EstrellaVega,

2022 Spades team tournament

Nikola 32 prabhu,

Update regarding the English helpers team

Marina 0 Marina,

Apples to Apples

Spongebob 6 Spongebob,

Christmass Uno Boys vs Girls tournament

BadGirl 28 Marina,

What do you hate the most about being blind?

TheDreamer 10 codbro,

Golf suggestion: continuing the game after someone hits 100 points (finished)

Adventure-Time 5 Nikola,

status character limit is very less

empty_sky 7 Arya_Stark,

Beta-testing new games and features

Aminiel 2 Aminiel,

Scrabble is back! Join the tournament (finished)

Emerald 17 Emerald,

your favorite games on qc

glad 43 glad,

Another game suggestion, dice forge

codbro 4 Epic_Krrish,

bug in 99 time limit

elections 14 sky360,

Suggestion, add an option to reply to messages in the forum.

Borja 2 Nikola,

Talking about programming.

Arceus 12 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Some Duck racing challenge ideas

Nikola 3 Nikola,

1000 Miles tournament - 3 PM CET - October Playroom World cup edition quarterfinal draw now available (finished)

Nikola 35 Nikola,

Duck racing tournament conclusion, congratulations to WaterWave (finished)

Nikola 3 godfather,

cribbage tournament

GodSaveTheQueen 22 GodSaveTheQueen,

suggestion to add new feature, last seen.

Abhishek 4 GeorgeWu,


Mortem 10 Mortem,

Blocking users and hiding posts" (ongoing)

Rayo 5 Exink,

how to take off in Eurofly3

davidhs1200 20 nguyen_hoang_anh,

Cribbage marking points suggestion

Vojvoda 5 Aminiel,

Mutual friends

Caoimhe 0 Caoimhe,

Suggestion: add disenfranchisement notice for web client users who play duck racing

Isaac5457 4 Nikola,

Addition of the Playrooma Stratego game (ongoing)

colonel 9 Aminiel,

Focus in the Duck racing roulette betting

Nikola 2 glad,

Fixing bot replacements

Nikola 4 sky360,

Duck Racing Save

Pj64 3 imprisonedindarkness,

Quiz party tournament for March 11th 2023

GeorgeWu 15 GeorgeWu,

Blocked, but still friends

lucy_light 9 TheDreamer,

Monopoly: Announce the trade in progress when pressing T (finished)

Nikola 3 Nikola,

In Memoriam, Dalibor Dražić 1983 - 2023

Vojvoda 19 GoldenHorizon,

How Does Automatic Account Deletion Actually Work? (ongoing)

Naday 1 CathyAnne,

Ask for a confirmation before blocking somebody

Nikola 1 Ryo-Bee,

Cribbage tournament conclusion, congratulations to Angelina-princess (finished)

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Audio Drama Group Revival, anyone interested?

metal_phoenyx 20 metal_phoenyx,

New game, mangala (ongoing)

colonel 4 Aminiel,

The little exam suggestions

Qais 4 Nikola,

2 bugs in the Zanzibar game.

Qais 1 gfriha,

Turkish translation

goodbye_my_love 11 Muamal,

Duck racing: Checking which duels are enabled (finished)

Nikola 2 Emerald,

Magic blocks help file missing

Emrah20 3 Quintin-D,

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