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708 topics, 15 pages:  1 5 67 8 9 15 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Impossible to join a table from another language (solved)

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Playroom world cup - August notification

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Converting belote to Tysiacha-like method

Sylphrena 4 HeadphoneJack,

Client forum: Impossible to open a topic you created (solved)

Nikola 3 Aminiel,

Farkle tournament - second round draw 3 PM CET (finished)

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Introducing and adding a new game

Alirezas 4 glad,

spacex is working on accesibility

pia_gc 1 el-prevoste,

Suggestions For Duck Racing

RedHotCharliePepper 1 codbro,

2023 Little Exam Tournament

GodSaveTheQueen 0 GodSaveTheQueen,

New game idea. Snakes and latters

wolfi 12 GeorgeWu,

Tysiac Tournament, Congratulations to Black.Cat

GodSaveTheQueen 5 Speedo,

new challenges on duck racing

whozitken 1 Nikola,

Friends (new)

Quintin-D 2 majoz,

What is your favourite app to get a particular task to be done either in android or Iphone or windows

FMGold 6 Arya_Stark,

Scopa tournament conclusion - congratulations to Bavarezi (finished)

Nikola 1 GeorgeWu,

Tysiac for 2 and 4 players

Nikola 4 Aminiel,

Suggestion for Monopoly: Menu modifications

Sajad-Aliraqi 1 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Option for main room chat

Elinoria 8 Nikola,

A bug with Apple Jass and 3 players when taking the kitty

Nikola 3 Aminiel,

Duck racing tournament, second round draw

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Monopoly (solved)

Little.Witch 4 Snake_Eyes,

Quiz party tournament winner

GeorgeWu 2 GeorgeWu,

Scrabbles placing and exchanging letters bug

Vojvoda 2 Vojvoda,

How would I know if my question is submitted on quiz party?

GeorgeWu 10 Vojvoda,

let the Turkish language come now.

zhugeliang 1 Aminiel,

add sum new games

mk810 9 glad,

Golf tournament - congratulations to Golden - Playroom World cup last tournament (finished)

Nikola 22 Slavista,

backgammon bug

Budster 1 Nikola,

Final score in 99

Quintin-D 2 blaise97,

French Tarot: What happened with the push contract?

Nikola 4 YNWA,

Bug with iOS and sounds

Isaac5457 3 Aminiel,

Unique and Inclusive Accessibility Features at Universities Across the World

dragonite 7 Kamalakannan,

Bug with bans

Borja 0 Borja ,

Comments on Recent Changes to Duck Racing challenges

RedHotCharliePepper 4 Nikola,

game modes in quiz party

Thomas_White 10 Exink,

Web client on Android: History becomes one element after receiving a multi-line message

Nikola 1 glad,

Can we put codeblocks in the forum?

sukil 11 Exink,

Suggestion for makeing streams accessible in web client

Rizwan 1 breaker,

categories of games (solved)

SkylarJayde13 10 StormProductions,

suggestion about chess

golden_secret 2 lucy_light,

Quiz party: Issues when the question is accidentally dismissed or the list is refreshed (solved)

Nikola 2 Aminiel,

Strange Ninety nine behaviour with bots (solved)

Nikola 6 Nikola,

Proposal for a Language Exchange

CoBC 3 CoBC,

problems with stw (ongoing)

SheWolf 13 glad,

Bug: Audio streems are not working in web clients. (cancelled)

DB8275 3 DB8275,

new game

codbro 4 Aminiel,


Mohamedwaheed16 0 Mohamedwaheed16,

Duck racing freezing sound on the web client - a funny glitch (solved)

Nikola 6 horse,

Scrabble tournament

Emerald 7 Emerald,

The little Exam bug in the rounds timer when saving the table

Qais 0 Qais,

708 topics, 15 pages:  1 5 67 8 9 15 ← Go back to forum list

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