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3928 topics, 79 pages:  1 52 5354 55 56 79 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

rewind/fast forward audio streams

each-and-everythinh 28 spaceship,

Bug in Back Gammon

BlindTiger 7 MRMagenta,

My song

Vojvoda 20 Vojvoda ,

Bug in rommy chalange mode.

MRMagenta 4 each-and-everythinh ,

Accessible DAW software

Giovani 5 fire-starter,

Our FB group

Giovani 4 Giovani ,

Vandetta crime - a browser mafia game

Giovani 0 Giovani ,

Survey: NVDACon Non Visual Desktop Access Users and Developers Conference for South Asia

BhavyaShah 0 BhavyaShah ,


mahdi_aliraqi 7 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Suggestion for back gammon.

AcaaFaaca 18 each-and-everythinh ,




AcaaFaaca 9 each-and-everythinh ,

a suggestion for all games

each-and-everythinh 10 each-and-everythinh ,

uno feature

Paddy_Irishman 2 each-and-everythinh ,

What you like to game?

albaghdadi 195 Mayank ,

A question about Vietnamese language

Giovani 0 Giovani ,

Important (reply offlist please): NVDACon 2016/tenth international anniversary edition

Sajad-Aliraqi 2 BhavyaShah ,

New Card Game: Pip-pip

watercress 0 watercress,

Evolution of Arabic music, slow until fast. Random songs in different accents

Sajad-Aliraqi 1 Maldalain,


AcaaFaaca 7 mahmood-jumblat,


american-hero 2 mahmood-jumblat,

Bug in black jack. Screen reader crazy when they are alot of bots.

AcaaFaaca 0 AcaaFaaca ,

NVDACon 2016 first half keynote presentation events

Sajad-Aliraqi 0 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Suggestion for forum and Windows client

Sajad-Aliraqi 18 Paddy_Irishman,

Suggestion to the french terot.

AcaaFaaca 0 AcaaFaaca ,


musiclover 18 AcaaFaaca ,

An other suggestion for the forum in the windows client

aminelog25 6 AcaaFaaca ,

A question

AcaaFaaca 21 each-and-everythinh ,

Text transcript of NVDACon international 2016 promotional audio

Sajad-Aliraqi 13 Sajad-Aliraqi,

NVDACon 2016: Second day project schedule thunderstorm

Sajad-Aliraqi 0 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Trick taking games tournament.

AcaaFaaca 10 AcaaFaaca ,

suggestion regarding statistic

Shewolf 23 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Blacjack suggestion

AcaaFaaca 7 AcaaFaaca ,

Suggestion for uno, monopoly and farcul.

AcaaFaaca 5 AcaaFaaca ,

kings corner, the conbination of uno and clontic.

AcaaFaaca 6 Sajad-Aliraqi,

A Question

american-hero 11 aminelog25,


Shewolf 44 basket,


musiclover 7 Sajad-Aliraqi,

A BGT question for who has skills

Sajad-Aliraqi 8 Sajad-Aliraqi,

99 suggestion

fire-starter 9 YNWA,

uno league: final points for conference 2, after first round

the-raven 5 the-raven ,

fishing aces

garden-lady 3 musiclover,

Uno league, Final points standings of Conference 1.

Epic_Krrish 11 basket,

suggestion for status messages

each-and-everythinh 25 AcaaFaaca ,

Uno league, round two.

basket 2 Epic_Krrish,

Support for proxy

Maria_Ciobanu_regina_muzicii 3 Vojvoda ,

another situation where bug with castling clearly happens

each-and-everythinh 0 each-and-everythinh ,

What happend with web client?

AcaaFaaca 5 Exink,

Bug in Blackjack: The Game Stopes when A Spectator left

american-hero 0 american-hero,

chess bug

magnate 1 each-and-everythinh ,

3928 topics, 79 pages:  1 52 5354 55 56 79 ← Go back to forum list

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