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3926 topics, 79 pages:  1 56 5758 59 60 79 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

chess bug

Sebastijan 1 trouble-h ,

A suggestion for belote game

Cristina 0 Cristina ,

gin rummy

SummerSun704 0 SummerSun704,

problems with the forum?

LaraStardust 2 LaraStardust,

Suggestion for a Variant for Backgammon

sopralto 0 sopralto,

Google translate service

Sajad-Aliraqi 8 florianionascu7,

A new game-Bridge belote

maniana979 0 maniana979,

I don't get it

wolfi 9 Exink,

A bug what I got while played belote beta

Cristina 1 Aminiel,

The Turkish tables in the English part

Sajad-Aliraqi 5 Sajad-Aliraqi,

The Little Exam with Bots

BirderBenB 13 mahdialiraqi,

something to add to backgammon

aravis 4 LaraStardust,

An error with the block's message

Sajad-Aliraqi 5 LaraStardust,

marry cristmas

wolfi 0 wolfi,

a Durak game

the-raven 3 the-raven ,


YNWA 39 aravis,

isn't it strange?

gaurasuryavanshi 3 gaurasuryavanshi,

Uno league, matches for week four, conference three

basket 3 Epic_Krrish,

A suggestion regarding a turnement sistem

bogdanmuresan 1 LaraStardust,

A new option: Enables the capital letters automaticly!

Sajad-Aliraqi 19 sound2,

Uno league: Matches for conference 2, week 4 (December 19th, 9 A.M Eastern, 2 P.M GMT)

the-raven 4 musiclover,

Modifying Monopoly boards

Exink 0 Exink,

bug in 1000 miles

gaurasuryavanshi 2 gaurasuryavanshi,

Point table for conference three

basket 5 policeman1,

Points for conference 2

the-raven 6 Raki,

Uno league, matches for conference 1, week 4.

Epic_Krrish 3 Lemonade,

matches for conference three, week two, December 6th at Nine AM eastern, 2 PM GMT

basket 6 Raki,

A casino game

florianionascu7 4 YNWA,


YNWA 1 Aminiel,

Uno league 2015/2016, final conferences.

basket 33 musiclover,

Uno league. points table for conference 1.

Epic_Krrish 8 YNWA,

just a question

gaurasuryavanshi 14 sound2,

bug in battleship

srbin 4 srbin ,

Uno league. matches for conference 1, week 3.

Epic_Krrish 2 basket,

Uno League, matches for conference three, week three, December 13th at Nine AM eastern, 2 PM GMT.

basket 0 basket,

for people who are learning other language

orion6 27 CaptainCold,

Uno league, matches for conference 2, week 3 (december 12th, 9 A.M Eastern, 2 P.M GMT)

the-raven 0 the-raven ,

final thoughts for the first week of the 2015, 2016 uno league, week one.

basket 1 Epic_Krrish,

what is uno leag

musiclover 3 musiclover,

Playing all games with bots

CathyAnne 7 kanmerl,

how do u play six takes

musiclover 2 musiclover,


YNWA 10 Riad,


LaraStardust 5 evalinde,

uno league, matches for conference 2, week 2 (December 5th, 9 A.M Eastern, 2 P.M GMT

the-raven 5 trouble-h ,

messages in the mainroom

fire-starter 13 basket,

Slovakian Monopoly board

Giovani 3 dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Messages during Game

oddjobboy 11 oddjobboy,

i am wondering something

musiclover 2 musiclover,

Uno league! matches for conferences 1, week 2.

Epic_Krrish 0 Epic_Krrish,

A suggestion regarding a backgammon game

bogdanmuresan 1 musiclover,

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