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3989 topics, 80 pages:  1 65 6667 68 69 80 ← Go back to forum list

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Some suggestions on cribbage

Raki 9 Raki,

Could be possible add draughts in Playroom?

Exink 2 Exink,

What about pause the timer in uno?


What about a timer in the Cribbage?

josemarianapoleon 8 josemarianapoleon ,

New playroom client, version 2.2 RC

Aminiel 17 djfelix,

bug in the web client when sending privat messages

bashar_alkenany 3 LynnR,

Problems while playing rummi


Reversi problem

stefan_ilioaica 1 Aminiel,

Major Cribbage Scoring Bugs

Hayden 3 Aminiel,

something about 1000 miles

sparkle98 4 aravis,

Making a new game - game of life

excalibur78 2 excalibur78,

Trying to help a friend of mine who can not enter the platform using the client


Flaw in Cribbage Beta Scoring

Razorback 0 Razorback,

changing name once in five seconds?

afrim 5 afrim,

Small uno oversight

Lemonade 0 Lemonade,

error! This channel doesn't exist.

php-developer 1 afrim,

am not green after dirty trick

whozitken 0 whozitken,

Gameroom wont work in Jaws 16

agasoft 5 Aminiel,

Pause bugs and playroom hanging

Jeff-Rutkowski 2 dalglish7 ,

Seven-stack solitaire

Giovani 1 Aminiel,

Albanian Language, needs quick update

Stenaldo 9 Stenaldo,

second round matches for yatzee tournament

abdulrahman 0 abdulrahman,

first round matches for yatsee tournament

abdulrahman 17 abdulrahman,

Albanian translation on the playroom is strange!

afrim 4 afrim,

Close the english playroom ?

Aminiel 36 Derrikk,

sorry to everybody, admins and users pleaase forgive me

gaurasuryavanshi 2 gaurasuryavanshi,

The purpose of the Quack Sound?

Princess_Ozma 10 Paddy_Irishman,

Fatal Error Dialogue

Napoleon-Solo 3 afrim,

abdul rahman and him 10 accounts

gaurasuryavanshi 6 Aminiel,

biggest point round in uno?

Lemonade 5 Fawaz,

bug in 1000 miles

gaurasuryavanshi 2 gaurasuryavanshi,

I think a person was hacked me

sweet_selena_2000 5 gaurasuryavanshi,

Suggestion for notifications on the forum

afrim 2 afrim,

bug in status message

sashakozlovskiy 2 gaurasuryavanshi,

unknown issue with rummy

whozitken 0 whozitken,

yahtzee tournament:

abdulrahman 45 abdulrahman,

Uno Tournament Winner!

Raki 5 afrim,

Dominos Subject

miguelpacheco 0 miguelpacheco ,

Scopa Tournament!

Paddy_Irishman 18 mysterious-legend,

Uno Tournament, Second Round Matches

Raki 2 Epic_Krrish,

Uno Tournament: First Round Matches.

Raki 19 Raki,

Developping new games or clients

splyt 4 abdulrahman,

i'm sorry all!

Paddy_Irishman 1 afrim,

Another Uno Tournament!

Raki 34 Raki,

suggestion for victorian card game: pope joan

bashar_alkenany 0 bashar_alkenany,

The Best Congratulations To Ahmed, The winner of the small tournament of 99!

afrim 3 Raki,

could you add go to playroom?

alex 2 stefan_ilioaica,

suggesting a new dice game: drop dead

bashar_alkenany 1 Aminiel,

1000 Miles mod suggestion

shawnmays 1 Aminiel,

Monopoly Money error

shawnmays 1 Aminiel,

3989 topics, 80 pages:  1 65 6667 68 69 80 ← Go back to forum list

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